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Deutscher Altbriefsammler-Verein e.V.
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Tips for Finding Files Druckspacer
Simple search

Entering a row of letters (search term) will show all records which contain this particular sequence of letters,

f.i."Preuss" shows all records with Preussen, Ostpreussen and so on.
OR search

When entering several terms into the searchfield with blank spaces in between each the search will produce all files which contain one or the other term, f.i. "Preuss 1849" will show all records with "Preuss" but also all those with "1849". The records produced will have to contain at least one of the search terms or both. If looking for all sources with Prussian involvement in 1848 one should rather employ the AND search
AND search

place a "+" sign directly in front of the second term which in this case would then read "Preuss +1849" which will produce only those files which will contain both search terms "Preuss" as well as "1849"

place a "-" sign directly in front of the second term which in this case would then read "Preuss -Polen" which will produce only those files which will contain "Preuss" and not "Polen"

Search Results will be offered in chronological order and by clicking on the Button "Listview" or "Detailview" can be produced in two different versions.

Download: Where this icon (PDF file) or (other file) appears beside the source file, the file can be downloaded by clicking on it.