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Project Postal Treaties

spacerSources for border crossing mail up to World Postal Union - UP
This project will try to generate a comprehensive collection of postal treaties and regulations covering the exchange of mails between different countries postal administrations in the time before UPU.
This project has no financial interest and lives of your enthusiasm. Therefore, please help and contribute with your own special knowledge.
Project Postal Treaties
5178 database entries (postal treaties, etc.)
5546 linked files (PDF, JPG, et al.)
(about 54.300 Pages, 29.12.2022)
Project Postal Treaties – History
Early postal history researchers led the way towards studying sources as basis for understanding old letters. Thus, one can call e.g. Leonhard H. J. Janssen and Felix Lethaus the godfathers of the project postal treaties.
During the DASV spring meeting 2005 in Münster the idea was born to make an accumulation of sources that had piled up publicly available. A project group led by R. Buschhaus and Klaus Weis had further developed this until the start in 2009 with nearly 1.000 sources. Thousands of pages were scanned and integrated into a database structure developed by Michael Lenke.
Through the help of more than fifty renowned friends of postal history from ten nations and considerable financial funds it was possible to expand the stock to more than 4.500 entries with over 50.000 pages.
A search tool helps with the targeted search for requested single documents or groups of documents.
Sourcing and provisioning of postal history sources
As far as relevant documents are concerned, these are primary sources such as postal treaties, regulations, instructions and tariffs. These are located in physical form e.g. in archives and libraries. To find and analyse them often requires major efforts, and the identification of storage locations can be difficult as well. The internet search has become more effective over the last years, e.g. through large projects dedicated to the systematic digitalisation of old sources and provisioning them as e-books.
Numerous institutions have built digital libraries, and their media can be read and downloaded, e.g. the Staatsbibliothek München and the Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. In the philatelic area there are compilations of digital media appearing as well, e.g. at the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society in the U.S. And also the networking of libraries is moving forward – in the KvK (Karlsruher virtueller Katalog) the search for media can be done across numerous individual institutions.
While a lot of relevant documents are part of larger works, e.g. compilations of all laws and regulations of one year, in the project postal treaties these sources are stored as single documents that can be found using appropriate search criteria.
The role of DASV
With the DASV as the sponsor of this project it is made sure that no conflicting interests are followed. In the same way the gathered knowledge will not come under the influence of individual persons, and the continuity over long time periods is secured.
The use of the data base and the download of all sources are free of charge.
The project is looked after by a team inside DASV. Additional supporters are always welcome.
Contact us!
Can you provide documents that are still missing? Or do you look for something that you did not find with us? If yes, send us a message!
Message to the DASV-Team project postal treaties Postvertragsteam
Technical Management
The technical execution of the project is in the hands of Michael Lenke. In case you have hints or suggestions concerning the project, please send them per email to: Michael Lenke